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CfgScript Calling Interface

| ClassDeclaration | Class Methods | Class Members | Calling Interface |

CfgScript support a richt calling interface.

Content of this chapter:

   Standard Call Interface
     Call methods with default parameter
     Call methods with named parameter
     Call with any parameter
     Call method with rest parameter array
     Call method with rest named parameter array
   Weak Invocation

 Standard Call Interface

All CfgScript methods are virtual/non-final - except of static methods and constructors.

Call with in/out/inout parameters CfgScript - and ACDK - supports in, out and inout parameter attributes
  • in is the default attribute (if no other is given).
    Values/reference will be passed from caller to callee. Callee may change value (of basic types) or reference (of object types), but callers variable will not be changed.
  • out the caller provides an (unitilized) variable the callee can overwrite the value and pass it back to the caller.
    out parameters can act as additional return values.
  • inout is a combination of in and out parameters.


class AClass 
  static int foo(in String inS, inout String inoutS, out String erg)
    erg = inS + inoutS;
    inoutS = inS;
    inS = "X";
    return erg.length();

String inS = "A";
String inoutS = new String("B");
String outS;
int erg =, inoutS, outS);
out.println("inS: " + inS + "; inoutS: " + inoutS + "; outS: " + outS);

if (inS.equals("A") && inoutS.equals("A") && outS.equals("AB"))
  out.println("TEST OK");
  out.println("TEST FAILED");

 Call methods with default parameter

class MyClass
  MyClass(int param = 42) { /* ... */ }
MyClass cls1 = new MyClass(); // uses 42 for param
MyClass cls2 = new MyClass(1); // 

 Call methods with named parameter

Named parameter are useful if a method has many parameter with default parameters.

class MyRect
  static void posRect(int xpos = 0, int ypos = 0, int xsize = 20, int ysize = 30)
    out.println("foo called with xpos = " + xpos + ", ypos = " + ypos + ", xsize = " + xsize + ", ysize = " + ysize);

// call foo with default 
// call with positional parameter using the default size
MyRect.posRect(10, 10);
// call with positional parameter using the default size
MyRect.posRect(10, 10, 12, 14);

// new syntax
// use default xpos and ypos
MyRect.posRect(xsize: 40, ysize: 50);
// old deprecated syntax
MyRect.posRect(:ypos = 10, :xpos = 50);

Limits of default parameters:
  • default paramter must not have attribute out or inout

 Call with any parameter

  // Any accepts any type, basic or object type
  static void callAny(Any any)
    if (any instanceof float)
      out.println("called any with float: " + any.toString());
      out.println("called any with " + any.getClass().getName() + ": " + any.toString());
This prints:
Called any with acdk/lang/String: asdf
Called any with floating: 42.400002

 Call method with rest parameter array

If the type of last parameter of a method is DmiObjectArray methods can accept variable count of parameters.
This is similar to void foo(int i, ...); notation in C/C++.

class MyClass
  static void variableArgsFunc(int flags, Rest rest)
    out.println("Function called with " + String.valueOf(rest.length()) + " rest parameters");
    foreach (v in rest)
      out.println("  " + v.getClass().toString() + ": " + v.toString());

// call foo with default 
MyClass.variableArgsFunc(42, 1, "asdf", new File("testFile"));

Limits of rest parameters:
  • the paramters before the rest parameter must not bedefault parameter
The type Rest is a typealias to acdk.lang.dmi.DmiObjectArray.

 Call method with rest named parameter array

class MyClass
  static void variableArgsFunc(int flags, NamedRest rest)
    out.println("Function called with " + String.valueOf(rest.length()) + " rest parameters");
    foreach (v in rest)
      out.println("  " + + ": " + v.value);
    // convert rest into props to easy access
    Props restp = new Props(rest);
    if (restp.hasValue("intParam") == true)
      int i = intParam; // named rest paramater directly available, as they would
                    // be declared in the method signature
      i = restp.intParam; // alternative access as 'pseudo' member variable
      out.println("  Has intParam: " + i);
      out.println("  Has No intParam");

MyClass.variableArgsFunc(42, intParam: 1, stringParam: "asdf", fileParam: new File("testFile"));

Limits of rest parameters:
  • the parameters before the rest named parameter must not bedefault parameter
  • the parameters before the rest named parameter must not be called by name


Please refer to  Delegates for more Information.


CfgScript supports Multimethods or double dispatch in method calls:

class MyClass
  void foo(String s) { out.println("called"); }
  void foo(Object s) { out.println("called"); }

class MyDerivedClass
  void foo(String s) { out.println("called"); }
  void foo(Object s) { out.println("called"); }
MyClass c = new MyDerivedClass();
Object o = new String("asdf");; 

In static typed languages this little code example will print called
Dispatching only works for the this parameter, but not for the argument.

In CfgScript the output will be called, the call will be dispatched regarding this and the method argument argument.

 Weak Invocation

In CfgScript method calls are not necessarily bound to a specific objects class type.
Some objects are only proxy objects, which represents classes from other object domains. In some cases the there is no specific type information for these objects avaible - they are weak types.
Nevertheless it is possible to call methods and access member types of these objects:

// create a COM Object, like Microsoft Word
Any word = new"Word.Application");
// There is no detail metainfo available for this word object
// but we can access members and call methods for this weak object 
// type:
word.Visible = 1;
Any doc = word.Documents.add();
Any sel = word.ActiveWindow.Selection;
sel.TypeText("This is ");
sel.Font.Bold =  1;
sel.Font.Bold = 0;
sel.TypeText(" instrumenting Word through acdk_cfgscript");
// this a normal ACDK call


Last modified 2005-05-08 22:27 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer