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acdk_java Installation

| ACDK Java Readme | Compile acdk_java | acdk_java | acdk_java_serialization | Installation | License |

With the module acdk_java you can access ACDK objects from Java and Java objects from ACDK.

Content of this chapter:

   Download / Install JDK
     Configure ACDK
   Compile acdk_java
   Running executables using acdk_java
   Compile the Java files
   Execute the Tests
   Open Issues

 Download / Install JDK

You need JDK 1.2 or later. I only have tested it with Suns JDK 1.3.x and 1.4.x.


GCC with the GCJ provides JNI headers, which are not compatible with acdk_java. You need to use JDK headers and libraries.

 Configure ACDK

After installing the JDK you probably have to ajust some configuration in acdk:
  • Unix: open acdk_globals.[your platform] in the ACDK root directory and ajust the ACDK_JAVA_* values to point to the correct directories and library names.
  • Windows: open the acdkenv.cmd ACDK root directory and ajust the ACDK_JAVA_* values.
    You have to execute this batch file before you compile the project in a cmd windows. If you use an IDE (like Visual Studio) use some of the start scripts in the ACDK root directory (like startvstudio6.cmd).
    Alternately you can also add these environment variables into your global environment.

 Compile acdk_java

If the environment variables are set correctly acdk_java can be compiled.

You have to to include the vm-path to your PATH variable.
For example:
  • NT: c:\jdk1.3.1\jre\bin\classic
  • Unix /usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/bin

On Unix plattform you have also to insert the JVM library path to you LD_LIBRARY_PATH. The libraries can reside in different sub directories export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/i386/native_threads:/usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/i386/classic:/usr/lib/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/i386

 Running executables using acdk_java

If you want to use the AcdkObject through Java you have to add $ACDK_HOME to our CLASSPATH environment variable.

To run an executble using acdk_java you may have set environment variables (PATH on Windows and LD_LIBRARY_PATH) to point to ACDK bin directory and the directory of the shared libraries of Python.

 Compile the Java files

Beside the standard package build mechanism, there is an additionally makefile to build the Java class files:
[n]make -f acdk_java.jmk The classes are stored below the ACDKHOME/bin directory, so you have to extend our CLASSPATH enviromnent variable with this directory.

 Execute the Tests

You have to set the ACDKHOME variable to the root directory of our ACDK installation.

You have to add the path $ACDKHOME/bin to your PATH environment variable.
On windows you can use the acdkenv.cmd for this purpose.
On Unix os (Linux, bsd, solaris) you may 'source' the acdkenv.[platform] before executing the application.

 Open Issues

  • More tests of the DMI functions.
  • using the acdk_java package will not work with threads.
Last modified 2005-05-08 22:30 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer