software engineer &        architecture


acdk_lisp Manual

acdk_lisp is a simple lisp interpreter which uses ACDK as underlying object implementation.

Content of this chapter:

   Hello World
   ACDK DMI Interface
   Interactive mode


acdklisp [-acdk-home=youracdkhome] [lispfile] You must have defined the envirnment varialbe ACDK_HOME or declare it in the command line with -acdk-home=. The Lisp interpreter needs this, because it looks at the lisp files in $ACDK_HOME/cfg/lib/acdk/lisp/


The lisp interpreter is a quick and dirty solutions and concept study which means:
  • it is not complete (only implemented parts of CLOS I needed)
  • it is not fast
  • it is not (probably) bug free
  • it is not well documented
But ...
  • it demonstrates how DMI works
  • it is used to generate Makefiles and project files.
  • will be supported in the future

Some basic constructs in lisp are implemented, for example car, cdr of course.
Some other constructs are not implemented, like cond.

 Hello World

(defun foo (string1 string2)
  (setf sb (new 'acdk.lang.StringBuffer string1))
  (invoke sb 'append string2)
  (sb 'toString) ;alternative syntax to invoke a method
(invoke (peek-static 'acdk.lang.System 'out) 'println (foo "Hello " "ACDK"))

 ACDK DMI Interface

There are following special commands to use DMI:

  • (new 'classname &rest args) ; creates a new acdk-object on given class name
  • (invoke-static 'classname 'methodname &rest args) ; call a static method
  • (invoke object 'methodname &rest args) ; calls a nonstatic method
    (object 'methodname &rest args) ; calls a nonstatic method
  • (peek-static 'classname 'membername) ; get a static member of given class
  • (explore object) ; 'poor mans intelitype' shows all members of given objects


> (setf sb (new 'acdk.lang.StringBuffer "Hello "))
> (explore sb)
"Methods of Class acdk/lang/StringBuffer
  public static class acdk.lang.Class class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.GetClass()
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.StringBuffer()
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.StringBuffer(class acdk.lang.String)
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.append(class acdk.lang.String)
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.append(char)
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.append(bool)
  public class acdk.lang.StringBuffer class acdk.lang.StringBuffer.append(int)
[ many many other function ]
> (invoke sb 'append " World")
Hello  World
> (println (invoke sb 'toString))
Hello  World
The output on the screen is the last evaluated expression.

 Interactive mode

You can print all internal and loaded function with:
> (help)
try (help command) with following commands:
internal apply defun defmacro isdef peek-static eq cond and not dump cdr car cons if while % length setf or setg instanceof * + progn - / set getv zerop atomp setq trace list setv equal unpack truep = > quote setnth let dolist eql invoke throw poke-static invoke-static append explore listp do peek dp poke create-array symbolp try internalp return new include eval sleep newlist atomp oldfgets set-array indexof <= println isFile errno listremovelist acdkmake-get-target-compile help-commands printwarn caddr getargs acdkmake-target-get-clean make-string slash pop parseopts isNilorEmpty fgets acdkmake-get-libs acdkmake-get-locallib list-defuns require empty call-funcV objectfromsources yesno printerr shell genObjectList glob asPrintable parentdir fprintln listremove progress acdkmake-get-outputdir collectImplementations call-func acdkmake-load-sources fclose cadr flush asArray getenv substr stderr < fopenW collectFileTypes acdkmake-get-target-spec acdkmake-get-target-binext ltoa make-string1 fopenR strempty cddr >= stdin set-atom acdkmake-target-binext acdkmake-get-defines clearerrno acdkmake-convert-file-if-needed acdkmake-project-is-type consp set-list curdir join2string acdk-make-test-args2 chkvar-err stdout errmsg _setv acdkmake-main acdkmake-get-includes acdkmake-load-eval-template chkwsp acdkmake-project-get-object-dir collectHeader toString strcmp help toCode strlen 0.000000 symbolp print-full-filename listp writeFile objectfromsource stripExtension join2list chkvar-warn parsedefsline lindex unify concatpath != lexpand atol acdkmake-project-get-acdk-home getCanonicalPath clone acdkmake-target-get-makesuffix chdir cleanjoin isDirectory asList glob-array exit split basename acdkmake-get-target-link printc acdk-make-test-args nth isNil grep unifyV pathjoin lookup-var streql print s+ acdkmake-get-target-cflags gets fprint acdkmake-get-target-ldflags acdkmake-target-getfilelist convert-path-if-needed lookup-func mkdirs push isAbsoluteFile break getAbsolutePath lcleanup eval-if-needed ""
> (help instanceof)
"((defun instanceof (object classtype)))(instanceof object 'classtype) or (instanceof object 'classname)
return t if given instance of [object] is type of [classtype], otherwise Nil"

An online help for a given command can be retrived:
> (help commandname)


If you call the lisp interpreter in the interactive mode, or the interpreters breaks because it has deteded an error or (break) statement, you have also access to following functions:

  • (dump var) ; dump out the variable
  • (dump 'cs) ; dump call stack
  • (dump 'sf[x|number]) ; dump stack frame[s]
  • c continue
  • n next
  • s step

Last modified 2005-05-08 22:30 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer